

Solver includes a robust integration to Netsuite. Solver connnects to Netsuite via Netsuite’s Save Search feature. This allows Solver to connect to almost any data set that a saved search can be created off of.

Solver uses the following technologies provided by Netsuite

  • Restlets
  • SuiteScripts


  1. BI360 Netsuite connector does not support parent attributes
  2. Your Netsuite purchase comes with dedicated “lanes” for SuiteCloud requests that can limit Solver Cloud from accessing your Netsuite data. If you have many integrations already configured from Netsuite to other tools, please verify that you have enough “lanes” to allow for Solver’s Netsuite connector to communicate with your Netsuite environment. Talk to your Netsuite Account Manager for more details.
  3. Netsuite does throttle API requests. In addition to additional “lanes” that can be purchased, Netsuite offers increased API bandwidth options for faster data loads into Solver Cloud. Talk to your Netsuite Account Manager for more details.

Configuring Access to Netsuite

Solver requires the following to be configured prior to configuring the Solver Netsuite Connector.

  • An account with access to the relevant data is required
  • Configure Role Settings
  • Create a RESTlet script
  • Create Saved Search Settings

Please see the respective links above for details on each on of these steps.

  1. A Netsuite account that has access to read saved searches.
    • A users account will need “Full” permissions on Global Permissions (Setup > Users > Edit > Global Permissions)
  2. For the above account, know this account’s RoleID
  3. Enable the following features (Setup > Company > Enable Features > SuiteCloud)
    • Client SuiteScript
    • Server SuiteScript
    • Web Service
  4. Have the Script URL and Script ID for a Saved Search. Saved Searches can be made from scratch or can be imported using an import file. (contact Solver Support to see if any Saved Search import files are available.