Whitelisting the Solver SenderID


This KB article provides a step by step instruction on how to white list Solver’s Sender ID in the Intacct system. These steps are required in order for Solver Cloud to connect to your Intacct system 

Solver, Inc.’s sender ID is Solver and is case sensitive. To white list Solver’s Sender ID:

  1. Click on the Applications tab to expand the drop down menu > Click into Company > Select the Company option under Configuration
  2. You should now be in the Company information tab, click the Edit button on the top right corner
  3. Click into the Security tab, scroll down to Web Services authorizations
  4. Click the Add button, enter the Sender ID, which would be Solver. Optionally, add a Description for the sender.
    NOTE: Sender IDs are case sensitive and cannot be changed after the authorization is added.
  5. Click on the Save button to save the changes.